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/uimages/lokacije/piramide.gif Pyramids, Visoko Mysterious archaeological discovery of the Bosnian Pyramids attract all archaeology, mystery and old civilizations lovers.
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/uimages/lokacije/skakavac.gif Skakavac vaterfall, Sarajevo Skakavac is a beautiful outdoor spot surrounded by untouched beautiful forests, and wonderful landscapes.
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/uimages/lokacije/bijambare.gif Bijambare Caves, Sarajevo Take a deep breath and inhale beautiful smell of the woods surrounding the Bijambare Cave Complex.
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/uimages/lokacije/bjelasnica.gif Bjelasnica Olympic Mt., Sarajevo Bjelasnica Mt. host of the Winter Olympic Games in 1984 is now a ski resort for intermediate and expert skiers.
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/uimages/lokacije/lukomir1.gif Lukomir, Bjelašnica, Sarajevo The Lukomir Village is a live museum and an example of the old ways of living nested on 1500 meters above sea level.
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/uimages/lokacije/srebrenica.gif Srebenica – Potocari Memorial The memorial is dedicated to over 8000 people killed in one of the most brutal warfare in the modern history.
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/uimages/lokacije/Konjic.gif Konjic and Jablanica On the way to sunny Herzegovina, Konjic, a petite city with an old Ottoman bridge is known for woodcarving tradition.
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/uimages/lokacije/mostar.gif Mostar The most beautiful city in Herzegovina and one of the most beautiful Mediterranean cities in the world.
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/uimages/lokacije/buna.gif Blagaj-Buna Buna Spring with a 16th c. Dervish Tekke built right next to Mostar. The Tekke is now a museum open for visits all year round.
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/uimages/lokacije/medjugorje.gif Međugorje Medjugorje is the world''''s third largest Catholic pilgrimage site.
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/uimages/lokacije/travnik.gif Travnik Travnik, the former residence of Ottoman viziers, a birthplace of our our Nobel Laureate and home to a fantastic medieval Fortress.
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/uimages/lokacije/Jajce1.gif Jajce The Medieval Fortress of Jajce rises above the 22-m high Pliva Waterfall.
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/uimages/lokacije/Plivskojezero.gif Pliva Lakes, Jajce In addition to the impressive fortress, water-mills on the Pliva Lake is an amazing eyes and soul relaxing sight.
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/uimages/lokacije/tunel.gif Tunnel Museum, Sarajevo Tour to the Tunnel Museum and other strategic points.
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/uimages/lokacije/latinskacuprija.gif Latin Bridge – Assassination of Franz Ferdinand 1914 Latin Bridge – spot of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
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/uimages/lokacije/Sarajevo.gif Sarajevo Sarajevo is a European hub of East and West, bursting with hospitality ...
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/uimages/lokacije/Bascarsija.gif Baščaršija, Sarajevo Bascarsija is the 15th century square, the birth place of today’s Sarajevo.
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/uimages/lokacije/jahorina.gif Jahorina Olympic Mt., Sarajevo Jahorina is the Olympic Queen, located only a half-a-minute ride from the city’s centre.
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/uimages/lokacije/vrelo.gif Ilidza & Bosna River Spring Due to rich thermal and mineral springs, Austro-Hungarian Empire got inspired to build an ultimate outdoor spot.
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/uimages/lokacije/jeruzalem.gif Sarajevo – European Jerusalem Cultural and religious diversity of Sarajevo in only a single street.
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/uimages/lokacije/starimost2.gif Old Bridge, Mostar Old Bridge in Mostar is a UNESCO World Heritage Site built in the 16th century.
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/uimages/lokacije/mile.gif Visoko Visoko trading town abundant in leather and smoked meat products, is now the most famous archaeological site in the world.
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/uimages/lokacije/pocitelj.gif Počitelj, Hercegovina Pocitelj is a unique little UNESCO site known for a remarkable oriental architecture, art colonys ...
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/uimages/lokacije/Kravice.gif Kravice waterfall, Ljubuški Ljubuski is home of the 19th c. Humac Franciscan Monastery and Museum with some of the finest ancient relics collections.
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/uimages/lokacije/bobovac.gif Kraljeva Sutjeska and Bobovac Bobovac Fortress built in the 14th century as a royal fortress is located a 30-minute ride from Kraljeva Sutjeska.
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/uimages/lokacije/mehmedpasa.gif Mehmed-paša Sokolović bridge, Višegrad Mehmed-Pasha Sokolovic''''s Bridge in Visegrad is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The bridge is the 16th century monument.
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/uimages/lokacije/una.gif Nacional park Una, Bihać Nacionalni park „Una“, netaknuti kutak prirode , mjesto je održavanja najpoznatijeg rafting događaja - „Unske regate“.
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/uimages/lokacije/kozara.gif Nacional park Kozara and Banja Luka National Park Kozara is the green smaragd of the Krajina region.
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/uimages/lokacije/sutjeska.gif Nacional park Sutjeska, Foča The National Park Sutjeska, home to one of the last Europe primeval forests Perućica.
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/uimages/lokacije/radimlja.gif Stolac and Radimlja, Hercegovina Some of the most interesting tombstones „stecak“ are found in Radimlja, near Stolac.
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/uimages/lokacije/tesanj.gif Tešanj Tesanj is tiny city in Central Bosnia known for its spectacular medieval fortress dating back to the 17th century.
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/uimages/lokacije/trebinje.gif Trebinje Taste delicious autochthonic wines of the Herzegovina region in best wine cellars.
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/uimages/lokacije/vlasici.gif Vlašić, Travnik Autochthonic Bosnian Sheppard Dog – Tornjak welcomes you to the Vlasic Mt., near the town of Travnik.
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/uimages/lokacije/vranduk.gif Vranduk, Zenica Former King Stjepan Tomas’ Residence, Vranduk is a fortress with an ethnographic museum and the Fatih Sultan Mehmet’s Mosque.
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