Trebević: mountain in the heart of the city

Trebević is a mountain in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is found directly to the southeast of Sarajevo, territory of East Sarajevo city, bordering Jahorina mountain. Trebević is 1627 meters (5338 ft) tall, making it the second shortest of the Sarajevo mountains. Among the many mountains around Sarajevo, only to Trebević  you can say that it is not only next to or above Sarajevo, but it is literally in Sarajevo.

Trebevic, an oasis of peace and greenery in the vicinity of Sarajevo, is an important tourist and recreation center, both in summer and in winter. This olympic mountain is one of the favorite resorts of pre-war Sarajevo residents due to the lush flora is famous for the lungs of the city. Trebevic is a natural habitat for hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and a number of endemic species (Knautia sarajevoensis Iris bosniaca, Primula auricula, Hieracium trebevicianum, Iris bosniacum etc.), Which were planted with centuries-old culture of Serbian spruce, black and white pine, white bark pine, Macedonian pine, larch, Limbe.

During the 1984 Winter Olympics Trebević, like the other Sarajevo mountains, was used for a number of Olympic events, such as bobsledding. During the Siege of Sarajevo, Trebević took on a darker role as its elevations proved ideal positions for besieging artillery and the mountain became a key fighting ground.

Trebević today is not as important of a tourist destination as Igman or Bjelašnica, largely due to the heavy fighting that took place in the early 1990s. Still, most of the land mines are now cleared. There are numerous hotels, mountaineering homes, and other such structures on Trebević and the immediate area.

Trebević has been the main excursion site of Sarajevo citizens due to the favorable geographical position, climate and the beauty of the nature. The biological diversity is among the highest and it is extraordinary to find such a phenomenon near the hearth of the big city. On the 9th of April 2014, Sarajevo Canton Assembly, announced Trebević as a protected area, in order to conserve and improve each element of the geographical and biological diversity.

For the best experience all the beauty of Trebevic, we recommend a complete tour called "Tunnel tour + Trebević".