Tunnel of Salvation

Tunnel of Salvation
Two hours tour to the Monumental Complex „Tunnel of Salvation After a short documentary about the Tunnel construction and war footage...
Tour info
polazak Departure: 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
polazak Price per person: 10 €/20 KM
polazak Guide: Yes
polazak Transport: Yes
polazak Min group size: 2
Entrance fee is not included in the price.

Tour starts at Bascarsija with a detailed story about Sarajevo under siege.

 One hour tour to the Monumental Complex „Tunnel of Salvation" including tour of the original 25 meters of the Tunnel, short documentary about the Tunnel construction and war footage, Sarajevo Under Siege map, exhibition of war photos, museum section with war displays…
In this tour we are going to visit following locations...
/uimages/lokacije/Sarajevo.gif Sarajevo Sarajevo is a European hub of East and West, bursting with hospitality ...
/uimages/lokacije/tunel.gif Tunnel Museum, Sarajevo Tour to the Tunnel Museum and other strategic points.
/uimages/lokacije/Bascarsija.gif Baščaršija, Sarajevo Bascarsija is the 15th century square, the birth place of today’s Sarajevo.
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