Sarajevo War Tunnel
Sarajevo is a city that takes great pride for its multiethnicity. The capitol city of Bosnia & Herzegovina, known as the land of the kings and as the land of blood and honey as well. Sarajevo is located in a valley, surrounded by mountains that fullfill its greatness, but mountains that played a huge role over centuries of wars that did not give peace to this country and especially in the latest war of the 90''''s, a scenario of disgrace that marked the end of the 20th century.
Sarajevo suffered the longest siege in modern day history which kept going on for 1425 days. Sarajevo is also known as the largest concentration camp in the hearf of Europe, where 350 000 inhabitants were abandoned by the entire world that closed its eyes in front of this great tragedy.
The spirit of the people brought ingenious ways to somehow resist and survive this agression. One of the greatest ideas can be found behind The tunnel of hope which was used as the ombellical cord with the outside world to import good and supplies of any kind.
It connected the urban neighbourhood of Sarajevo with the rural one, just in front of the mountain Igman that was the only free territory.
The tunnel reppresents one of the most important pieces of history for this city, without this tunnel the city would have fallen to a tragic destiny and probably we would not know about Bosnia & Herzegovina as we do today.
We recommend you to take a Tunnel tour or Times of Misfortune tour for more information.
We recommend you to take a Tunnel tour or Times of Misfortune tour for more information.