Skakavac Waterfall: the second highest waterfall in Europe
The waterfall at Skakavac is for more than one reason, one of the most attractive tourist sites in the vicinity of Sarajevo. Skakavac is a waterfall located 12 km from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The name "Skakavac" means grasshopper in Bosnian.
In this area it was found more than 1500 plants, as well as a high percentage of species endemic character. Dominated by spruce-fir forests, Abieti-Piceetum illyricum and beech-fir forest with spruce, Abieti-Fagetum illyricum. The wider area Skakavac waterfall is the habitat of hundreds of medicinal, aromatic and vitamin plants. The area is characterized by a great wealth of species of mushrooms. Od major species of wildlife that live in this area are present: deer, wild boar, bear, rabbit, grouse, wolves, foxes, wild cats, badgers, martens and many species of birds.
The wider area around the waterfall is historically very significant because it is the site of Babin stream Finds tombstone which dates back to the seventeenth and fourteenth centuries. There''''re two Orthodox cemetery, the old Muslim cemetery and several localities medieval necropolis dates back over 500 years.
The area is also the hydrological aspect is very specific for its numerous springs, streams, small rivers and sinks, and the most important and most attractive is definitely Skakavac.
The Skakavac waterfall near Sarajevo is one of the greatest and most attractive waterfalls in BiH and it stands for a real tourist attraction. It is the second highest waterfall in Europe and it is 98 meters high. The tour we offer includes visits to waterfalls with a walk through stunning forest areas rich in endemic plants and animals.
Although no large flow of water, characterized by extraordinary beauty, especially in winter when his slap overlaid ice forming fantastic scenes. The surroundings are one of the most heterogenic areas in that region dominated by spruce and fir and beech and fir forests with spruce on more pronounced slopes. On shallow carbon grounds in the vicinity of the waterfall, there are termofil forests and underbrushes of eastern hornbeam and autumn locust as well as eastern hornbeam and manna ash. The rocks surrounding the waterfall have a very interesting vegetation dominated by endemic and relic types.
A day spent in nature, surrounded with spruce-fir and beech-fir forest, where you can hear only the song of birds and the roar of the water, will make you enjoy it and wanting to come back soon.